Dear colleagues and students

Please prepare a 10 minutes presentation online on the topics of the Blended Erasmus Intensive Programme

Children and families in an era of uncertainties: Challenges and Critical Perspectives for Social Interventions with Diversities.

Present the main Social Services, NGOs, programmes and best practices for children and families in your countries

Refer to Issues regarding racism and cultural diversity as well as gender inequalities that are addressed to public discussion and in your University courses

Discuss about some good practices in schools for the inclusion of diversities in your countries

What are the main programmes for the prevention and tackling of youth violence, intrafamily violence and child abuse.

Disability, autism and special educational needs

I hope you find it interesting to work in groups to prepare the presentation. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Those countries as Greece and Austria with larger groups may split in smaller groups and give us two presentations by sharing the topics.

Our meeting will be on Friday the 12th of April at 5.30 Greek time

All the best

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